


Breaking the Silence on Adult

Clergy Sexual Abuse



Below you will find a collection of videos, podcasts, webinars and other helpful media relevant to survivors of Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse.


ACSA and Trauma

One of the founders of RVC shares her story and then gives a clear explanation of trauma and how it affects many victims of ACSA.

SBC Breakout Session

Dr. Heather Evans and Dr. Todd Benkert speak on ACSA and one of RVC’s own tells her story, focussing on the devastation she and her family experienced after their church’s poor response (institutional betrayal) to her disclosure of abuse.

Center for Church & Community Impact Panel Three ACSA survivors share their story of abuse and institutional betrayal and give suggestions on how the church should respond when abuse is disclosed. Moderated by Dr. David Pooler.

Rachel on Recovery Podcast In two episodes, Chellee shares her story of ACSA.

Safe to Hope Podcast Tamra shares her story of ACSA followed by 5 episodes of commentary from a number of experts on ACSA and trauma including, Dr. Heather Evans and Dr. David Pooler.

My Abuser is Returning to Ministry Katie tells her story of being groomed and sexually abused by her seminary professor.

My Pastor Called It An “Emotional Affair,” But It Was Abuse (Part 1)

Moriah Smothers thought her emotional and physical relationship with her pastor, Patrick Garcia, was an affair, but a year later she understood it to be abuse.

Affair or Abuse? The Church’s Hurtful Response (Part 2)

Moriah Smothers tells of the shame and rejection she experienced from other church members when her abuse was mislabeled an “affair.”

I heard the term, “Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse” and finally realized…

Megan Anderson shares her story of abuse by her pastor and how she came to understand it was not an affair.

“Abuse is always fruit borne by the abuser. It is never caused by the victim. All victims, children or adult, need understanding and protection, not blame.”

—Diane Langberg, Psychologist/Author/International Speaker